スーザンベル SUSAN BIJL エコバッグ ショッピングバッグ
スーザンベル SUSAN BIJL 20年前 スーザンベル SUSAN BIJL coreine コレイネ スーザンベル SUSAN BIJL coreine コレイネ スーザンベル SUSAN BIJL coreine コレイネ スーザンベル SUSAN BIJL coreine コレイネ スーザンベル SUSAN BIJL スーザンベル SUSAN BIJL FOREVER L キャメル ネイビー


2000年にスタートしたSUSAN BIJL(スーザンベル)。ロッテルダムの学生の時に代表作となるショッピングバックをリリース。ビニール袋の生産過程で排出される廃棄物をなるべく減らす目的で造られたショッピングバッグ(エコバッグ)に、「Flash」と呼ばれる対角線にストライプの入ったアイコニックなデザインがブランドの象徴となっています。






SUSAN BIJL started in 2000. Released a shopping bag that was a masterpiece when I was a student in Rotterdam. The iconic design of the shopping bag (eco bag) made with the aim of reducing the amount of waste discharged during the production process of plastic bags is called "Flash" and has diagonal stripes. .. I met SUSAN BIJL about 20 years ago (probably). As a student at the time, I bought a SUSAN BIJL bag that I fell in love with at first sight. At that time, I think it was a time when there was nothing to say such as ecological or recycling, let alone sustainable. It's very compact when folded, so it's useful as a sub bag for shopping and of course as a main bag. It was convenient to use for many years, so I was worried about other sizes and colors, so I searched in various stores but I could not find it. I continue to use it after that and still use it as an active player bag. In the baseball world, it will be chosen as the best in the legend class. In the present words, it is eco or super eco. This year's re-collection is a reprint of popular colors. Coincidentally, my partner was in the reprint, so I compared them. Legend and 2020 rookie players, the point that I notice by looking without seeing a big change in shape is that the side tag gives a vintage aura. It is said that the legend is a horse mackerel who lived on nylon fabric, but there is some fatigue, but there is no big damage and it seems that it can still be done. SUSAN BIJL is amazing, it's been sustainable for 20 years. Nowadays, not only shopping bags but also pouches and backpacks are widely deployed, so I would like to try other products. Enjoy variations from colorful to chic in SUSAN BIJL colors! A lineup of lots of items. It's no wonder that there are collectors who just buy more.